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Achievement Days are just around the corner!


Market Turkey Project

Age 9-21


Project Information Page



The P.I.P. will tell you everything you need to know about this project: and how to successfully complete the 4-H year.

This market turkey project is great for both new and experienced turkey enthusiasts. Members will learn about showing, fitting, judging, and caring for turkeys. Members are also encouraged to explore other turkey industry related topics as part of their project whenever possible.



​Project Completion Requirements: Documents to print

In order to participate in summer exhibitions and receive credit for completing this project members must have the following documents completed and displayed in their Member Portfolio at their Club's Achievement Day event:


  1. Print and sign this document: The Creed of the Animal Caretaker 

  2. Work with your Project Leader to complete: 4-H Judging Overview

  3. Print and fill out one copy of the following: Portfolio Documentation

  4. Print and fill out this page for the this project: Project Page Documentation - Animals




It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that forms are submitted before the listed deadline:


  • Spring Project Sign up - Annual Deadline: April 15

  • Animal ID & Exhibition Form - Annual Deadline: July 15th - No Turkeys registered for 2023



Project Resources

Resources that should be reviewed by members with their leader or individually. Other resources will be added 



Exhibition Information

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